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What to Know About 2022’s Workers’ Compensation Monthly Statutory Maximum Payment

Posted in Uncategorized on July 11, 2022

If you sustain an on-the-job injury and are unable to return to work for any period of time, you should be able to receive compensation for your lost wages. However, there are certain limitations on how much money you can receive as it relates to a percentage of your salary before you were injured as well as a cap on the total monthly payments available. Here, we want to discuss the monthly statutory maximum payment for Arizona workers’ compensation in 2022.

How The Workers’ Compensation Monthly Maximum Payout Changes

If you sustain an on-the-job injury, there is a maximum amount of money that you could receive monthly if you are unable to complete your job-related duties and have to collect lost wages from the workers’ compensation insurance system.

Each year, the total maximum amount that individuals are able to collect monthly changes. The new rate goes into effect on January one of each year and ends on December 31. In general, individuals are able to receive approximately 2/3 of their total salary, with the total maximum changing annually.

The Industrial Commission of Arizona (ICA) takes a close look at the Statistics Employment Cost Index for the prior year published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The increase in the maximum monthly available for workers is dictated through Arizona Revised Statutes Title 23. Labor § 23-1041(E).

For 2022, the current maximum amount that a person can receive monthly through Arizona workers’ compensation insurance for lost wages is $5,161.12. 

This rate will change again on January 1, 2023, and the next increase will be known by August 1st of this year. Individuals will typically be able to receive this compensation for a set amount of time until their doctor decides that they have reached maximum medical recovery (MMI) and are either able to return to work or should be considered disabled for the purposes of continuing on a different type of payment (short- or long-term disability).

Why You Need to Work With an Attorney

Suppose you or somebody you care about has been injured at work and are currently unable to perform job-related duties. In that case, you need to speak to a skilled work injury lawyer in Arizona as soon as possible. An attorney can examine the facts of your case and help ensure that you recover the maximum compensation outlined under Arizona law.

The reality is that you need to file your claim as soon as possible. You should report your workplace injury to your employer or supervisor the same day the incident occurs if that is possible. Your number one priority is seeking medical treatment, but your second priority needs to be reporting your injury because failing to do so promptly could result in your claim being delayed or even denied.

Additionally, if you are struggling to recover lost wages after sustaining a debilitating workplace injury, a Phoenix work injury attorney will be by your side to help go through the appeals process to ensure that you are adequately cared for every step of the way. Work injury claims can be complicated, but you do not have to go through this process alone.